Gilded Serpent presents...

Division Champs


of the Belly Dancer of the Universe Competition, 2009

Photos by Carl Sermon
posted December 3, 2009


The Belly Dancer of the Universe Competitions draws performers from all over the world. This event is produced by Tonya and Atlantis. Many of the current stars in the United States have participated as contestants in this competition including:Dondi (2002), and Aziza (2002). Many well known American teachers serve as judges. Several of the Los Angeles area vendors sponsor different divisions of the contest. This contest is one of the first in the Belly Dance community and includes many categories covering different age groups, various styles and specialties. Don’t miss the next contest held in Long Beach, California, February 13-14, 2010. Take a look at Carl’s wonderful shots of the 2009 champion performers who dazzle the audience with their dancing expertise, personalities, and costuming.


Guzel wins Champion of Champions
Guzel Gilmeeva of Russia
wins the Champion of Champions!

Han Ui of Korea
wins the "Drum Solo" division


Maryam of Mexico
wins the "Egyptian" Division


Guzel also wins the "Fusion" category

Soulfire of Oregon
wins the "Group" category

Attiya of New York
wins the "Juniors"

Kate of Mexico
wins the "Little" category

MIreya of Puerto Rico
wins the "Taksim" division

Dilek of California
wins the "Universal" category

Elise of California
wins the "Veil" category

Posted videos from last year’s events:



More videos from this event coming soon!

For more information on this event check their website here.



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