Bedroom Patio

  • mood- private, romantic, night sky theme, goddess of love, casual, comfortable
  • Plants- romantic perenninals (gardenia, lilac, jasmin) and love fruit trees- apple, pomegranite, fig. white flowers are most striking at night time.
  • Patio surface- spaced pavers or flat rocks with green carpet between of moss, grass, camomile, thyme or what ever grows best. May need grid of drip irrigation. Must feel great on bare feet. Will surface be a pain for getting a table stable? Will it rock?
  • June 2008- getting close to being finished!

possible phase 2 idea- curtains to sheild view from Smith's into our private area . Continue trellace above railing at edge of pateo. Encourage ancient ivy to continue growing along curve.

mock up done years ago is finally a reality

tile won't arrive for 4 - 6 weeks

The Real Thing! June 2008