
The Gilded Serpent presents...

EmmaLucy (Shema)

EmmaLucy is a bit of a Gypsy! Way back there is some Romany blood in her family so perhaps this explains her need to keep moving and experiencing the world in new and challenging ways. (Or perhaps she just can’t stay still!) As an artist, she has always given her whole to learning and representing each art form as it develops, from dance, to music, to writing and beyond, with an integrity and passion which she hopes has inspired and informed those she has been blessed to teach and work amongst. She is prepared to take herself to the edge in order to learn and grow, going far beyond her comfort zone and experiencing life and art at its most exciting and dramatic…

EmmaLucy has always been interested in other cultures, traveling extensively as a musician from a young age and being exposed to new lands, languages and art forms along the way. Dance arrived in her twenties and she performed and taught Egyptian, Arab and Moroccan styles from 2005 across the UK, Canada, the US, Morocco and Egypt. It was a phenomenal experience. This eventually led her to Sinai, where music resurfaced in a dynamic way and writing flourished: in fact, where everything seems to have consolidated into a clear path.

She is undertaking a PhD at SOAS researching Bedouin culture in British Literature and is based between Sinai and the United Kingdom: writing about the culture, dancing under the stars with friends at local weddings and exploring music on the beach with Arabic, Israeli, Egyptian, and Bedouin musicians. Dance, Music, Culture, Language and Food are all linked and connected, so every part of her life now revolves around developing these connections.

The greatest honour was to be invited to work with the head family of the Tarrabin Tribe in Nuweiba, to launch the Bedouin Desert Survival School, preserving traditional skills for future generations, from navigating in the desert, to finding water, weaving goat-hair tents, baking bread and telling poetry.

EmmaLucy has taught, performed and lectured in Europe, Canada, United States, Morocco and Egypt and she is honoured to both study and work with some of the world’s most talented artists. She has been a regular guest artiste at Planet Egypt in London since 2006; Artist in Residence at Silk Route in London during 2009/11; Guest Violinist for the Arabesque Orchestra in Yasmina Ramzy’s production of ‘Egypt’ in 2009; European guest teacher and performer for the world-renowned Bellydance Superstars' event 'Raqs Britannia' (UK) in 2010; lecturer and featured performer at the 'International Bellydance Conference of Canada' in 2010 and guest speaker and performer at MassRaqs in Boston, USA in 2011.


Web sites: 

Egypt Blog:
Facebook: EmmaLucy Sinai
Desert School:

Articles on Gilded Serpent by or about Shema