The Gilded Serpent presents...
Karen Andes
Aruna, along with Dhyanis, is the co-owner of WorldDance Fitness & GoddessWear Boutique in San Anselmo, CA ( Her varied movement experience includes sacred Hindu temple dance, Middle Eastern dance (ATS, Tribal fusion and cabaret), flamenco, yoga, Pilates and Chinese martial arts. In 2005 she released the DVD, Dancer's Arms, which the Giza Academy voted the Best Instructional DVD of the year. In the late 80's and early 90's, she was an all-natural competitive bodybuilder. Now at age 50, she's still lifting but in a different way and not in a gym. Under the name Karen Andes, she published 5 books on mind-body fitness and dance. For over 20 years, she's taught weight lifting to sensitive intelligent people (including Cher) and has been an advocate of women's strength! She has 2 dance companies: the Slinky Kinks (a teen troupe) and Shift-A-Belly who perform tribal burlesque bellydance fusion-tribal with a sexy sense of humor! All will be performing at Tribal Fest 6, where Aruna will also teach her Dancer's Arm Workshop. In her abundant spare time Aruna meditates and rides a motorcycle.
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Articles on Gilded Serpent by or about Aruna
- 10-24-01 Karen Andes: World Dancer
Karen Andes has cooked up a unique fusion of eastern and western movement that that provides rich nourishment for the minds, bodies and spirits of women. - 4-14-03 Act Your Age? Notes from a Middle Aged Belly Dancer
But sometimes, dancing near a gorgeous young dancer, I wonder how long I’ll feel comfortable performing. - 5-16-06 Got Strength? Buffing up for Bellydance
Muscles are like smart-aleck teenagers. If you ask them to do something, they do just enough to get the job done—and no more.