The Gilded Serpent presents...
Meredith McGuire
A recent graduate of Columbia University with a degree in Middle Eastern and Asian Languages and Culture, Meredith's curiosity about Middle Eastern dance was sparked by a professor's repeated and unprovoked refusals to discuss "bellydancers or flying carpets." Pleased to find that at least one of these not only exists but enjoys a long, rich, and fascinating history. Meredith is currently attempting to translate mental knowledge into physical ability. In the meantime, she teaches high school, enjoys Hindi films (which she strives to make accessible to non-Hindi speaking audiences through her website, ), and makes overland Turkey-to-India travel plans which she will absolutely fulfill in the near future.
Web site:
Articles on Gilded Serpent by or about Meredith McGuire
Yasmeen and the North Beach of Yore An interview with Gayle
It was 1967. I had a roommate named Pat and we took ourselves down to Broadway one night for a wee bit of fun and adventure. We were walking along Broadway and we saw one particular barker, dressed in a sheik's costume, standing in front of the Bagdad. He enticed us inside.