Gilded Serpent presents...
The Artwork of Marie Soderlund
"Bay Area artist Marie Soderlund's watercolors
express her passion for color, dancing, friendships and
the many wonders of life! The vibrant colors and movement
depicted in her work shows a sensitivity to moments of
extreme exuberance as well as times of solitude. Her work
has been shown in the Bay Area and is available in selected
stores. Some pieces have permanent homes in Taos, New Mexico,
Aspen, Colorado and Gig Harbor, Washington.
Marie is also a dancer in the Bay Area and
currently teaches in Redwood City and San Carlos as well
as performs with Troupe Ya Sahlem, Malia De Felice, Celebration,
Marilyn Hellman, Alyne Hazards group and Luminaire.
Look closely and you may just see a glimpse
of yourself or a memorable moment in one of her paintings.
To receive further information regarding her work or to
commission a personal piece she can be contacted at"
Marie's new web page will be up soon!
see her work at Rakkasah West 2001, Her booth is next
to the Gilded Serpent table, near the FOOD! |