Serpent presents...
by Nefertiti
(Ann Lucus)
A few months ago I decided
to learn to Belly Dance with a snake! I am always looking for ways
to enhance my performance and leave a memorable impression. I can
assure you that dancing with a snake will do this and you will make
more money! The public will pay to see something perceived as dangerous
and exotic. Furthermore, I am a dedicated pet enthusiast. Since I
have lived with all types of pets, I thought one more pet would be
no problem.
My next step was to do a little
research on my soon to be new dance partner. I checked the Belly
Dance Web Ring and found a web site about belly dancing with snakes.
I contacted the owner, Lynette. I know I talked her ears off. She was really
great and a offered a lot of support to me.
After speaking with Lynette
and doing some more research on the Internet, I decided I wanted
to dance with a Boa Constrictor. They seemed to be docile and most
importantly, they will cling to you when you dance. I checked the
Internet again and found the International Reptile Breeder's Association.
The association was having their convention in Las Vegas. I thought
to myself, "Here I go again. I will be the only woman there
and certainly the only Belly Dancer at this convention" but
little did I know this would work to my advantage!
I was excited as well as a little nervous. I have never held a snake before
let alone danced with one. As I checked out each vendor and saw the snakes
up close and very personal, I started thinking, "Can I really do this?" Then
I came across a vendor called San Diego Reptile and explained that I am a Belly
Dancer and wanted to purchase a snake as my dance partner. The owners thought
the idea was great and made me an offer I couldn't refuse. If I came back to
the convention the next day in costume, and danced with one of their snakes
I could get a snake from them at a discounted rate. I thought, "Great,
I'll get to dance at a major convention in Las Vegas, get some publicity and
get a new pet and partner." What Belly Dancer could refuse that!
I came back the next day, in costume, with my music.
The moment of truth was at hand, could I do this? I thought, "Go
for it!" I felt privileged to dance with a rather large but
friendly snake. It was great! I walked around and danced very carefully
with the snake. I received some local press coverage as well as an
interview with a national reptile magazine, "Vivarium".
I thought that this was another great experience to tell my grandchildren
one day.
I am now the proud owner of a Red-tail Boa Constrictor whose name is Farouk.
He is living like a king in my spare room, away from his curious big brother
and sisters, namely my cats. I have also just purchased a female Boa named
Scheherezade. Yes, a relationship with snakes can become addicting. I truly
enjoy them. We are awaiting the birth of their baby brother.
When I am not dancing with my snakes, they assist me in my magic act. So for
me, my snakes are a great asset to my magic routine as well. They'll probably
want union wages next.
I would only recommend getting a snake only if you're a pet lover and will
respect it as such. You have to remember this is a living creature and not
a stage prop. Snakes can live for twenty years so please remember that, caring
for your snake can be a long time commitment.
a comment? Send us
a letter!
Check the "Letters to the
Editor" for other possible viewpoints!
for more?
11-14-02 Glass
Dancing by Neferteri
The art of dancing on glass is a true measure of talent and nerve. It can be
one of the hardest things you can do as a dancer, but the rewards are awesome!
12-12-00 I
am Neferteri by Ann Lucas
There appears to be some curiosity about the racial background
of a dancer. I don't fully understand why anyone in today's world would
care, but they do.
1-4-00 Using
Magic is My Style by
Ann Lucas
Do you want to make more money
at your next gig? The answer is Magic!!! |