Gilded Serpent presents...
"The Spirit of Egyptian Dance"
Shareen El Safy- with the Georges Lammam Ensemble
Workshop & Show
Photos by Carl Sermon
July 22 & 23, 2006
Dance Mission Theatre, San Francisco, CA

Event sponsored and produced by Debbie Lammam

As always, editor appreciates readers contributing any further names for faces appearing in the below photos.

Georges's band plays for class!
Khader Keileh on keyboard, Naser on Oud

Full class!
Georges's band in back, Shareen at left, is that Caroline?, Masouma?
who else?


the producer, Debbie Lammam

dances with her husband on drum



poses with the band
Tony Lammam, Georges Lammam. Debbie, Husein Resan, Nasser Musa,
(not shown: Louay Dahbour and Khadr Keileh)

Have a comment? Send us a letter!
Check the "Letters to the Editor" for other possible viewpoints!

Ready for more?
10-11-04 Art, Activism & Magic: Krissy Keefer In Her Own Words by Debbie Lammam
...women dancers are not expected to think and speak.

4-29-06 Interview with Magda Ibrahim by Debbie Lammam
That is very enjoyable, to see someone who didn’t know how to do something before and now they do, and I’m the one who helped them do it, regardless of whether they are Egyptian or foreign.

5-18-05 Atef Farag: A Life in Dance Interview by Debbie Lammam
Pure Egyptian dance does tolerate a lot of sexual innuendo that is not present in my work.

7-31-06 From the Land Down-under, Part I: The Festival by Trisnasari of Melbourne, Australia
In the wings, before we hit the festival stage, Andrea whispered to Mel and I, “Well, this is our first international performance!”

9-7-06 Amani's Oriental Festival 2006: June 20-25, 2006 by Beverley Joffe
Delving into Oriental Culture, Dance and Surviving Israeli Military Attack.

9-5-06 Eilat Oriental Dance Festival, January 2006 - Report by Sophie, Photos by Gali Tibon
As my friends' car was making its way through the desert, the sense of anticipation, mixed with excitement, was growing inside me.

9-4-06 Tatseena's Bellydance Fantasy Festival 2006 Photos by Lynette & Carl Sermon
July 28 & 29, 2006 Marina Community Center, San Leandro, California. "This festival was created for family, friends, and fun!" says Tatseena.


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