Girl's PR photo |
The Oyster
girl today doing some of her "shtick" |
The Gilded
Serpent presents...
A Weekend
of Burlesque in Old North Beach
September 27 - 29, 2002
San Francisco, CA
by Lynette, Susie
and Sierra
Curious to
learn if women were drawn to stripping for some of the same reasons
they are drawn to bellydance, we participated in several events
held at San Francisco's Tease-O-Rama, held September 27th through
the 29th.. The Friday and Saturday night shows were held at the
legendary Bimbos
365 Club. Workshops and Sunday's show were held at Broadway
Studios, located on the same block as the old Casbah
and Bagdad
and 2 blocks from the former Condor, the country's
most famous striptease landmark.
This workshop
and show format, lasting the entire weekend - ala many bellydance
events - was made even more enticing with classes in pastie making,
twirling (no, not baton twirling), synchronized swimming and more.
The shows consisted of traditional style burlesque striptease
acts, baggy pants comedy routines and live music. Projected on
the screen beside the stage were videos of exotic dancing since
the 1940's. It was fascinating to see the multitudes of body types
on film, as opposed to the mostly slim, smaller breasted body
types of those on stage. The stripteases were very retro - similar
to the audience, which was filled mostly with the rock-a-billy
set. We didn't see any familiar faces from the bellydance community,
although we did see a few Middle Eastern / sutanesque style costumes.
We were also curious to know why all the strippers on stage wore
pasties. Did this venue not have the proper permits for such nudity?
Or was it a more stylist / philosophical decision?
The concept
of Burlesque originated from the Chicago Worlds fair and the infamous
Little Egypt and the "Hoochi Koochi".
After the World Fair Tour ended. Little Egypt went on to establish
her career by dancing in venues attended only by men; hence the
beginnings of burlesque. Many other dancers followed in her style
and name... Another famous dancer during this time was known as
Mata Hari. There are many collectable and well
know photos and postcards of her still in existence. Burlesque
began to evolve quickly into a viable style of art and dance which
contributed to the format of Vaudeville.
The highlight
of the weekend was the question and answer forum with a panel
of dancers from the '40's through the '80's. We were especially
intrigued by Wild Cherry, who claimed to be influenced
by Oriental dance. During a short set on stage, we were thrilled
to see some familiar isolations and the "coffee grinder".
She later told us that she was NOT influenced by bellydance, but
Asian dance.
Prior to the
show, the dancers were asked to fill out a questionnaire to be
auctioned off to the audience. We bought Wild Cherry's:
a comment? Send us a
Check the "Letters to the
Editor" for other possible viewpoints!
for More?
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