The Gilded Serpent presents...
The 10th and Final

Festival Fantasia
produced by Rose Productions
Black Sheep BellyDance and the Sebastopol Community Center

October 11 & 12, 2003
Sebastopol, California

photos by Susie

Terrianne, left. Right with Susu Pamanin.


Soonyana & Walking Maqsoom at left with snake.


Eowyn at right with feather.



Tiffany, representing Suhaila Dance Company

Delilah and Sheherezade, students of Sheri Briar

More of Sheri's students. Names are unknown.

Ellen's Dance Journey


Lynette and Hannan above.

Eyehora and friend, right.

A satisfied shopper samples her purchase.

Have a comment? Send us a letter!
Check the "Letters to the Editor" for other possible viewpoints!

Ready for More?
more photos by Susie
11-23-03 Egypta, a Revivification of Ancient Sacred Dance performed by The Silk Road Dance Company
Kennedy Center Millennium Stage, Washington D.C. report by Pen Katali, M.L.S.
Egypta impressed me as a stunning artistic success, splendid beyond belief.

11-17-03 2nd Annual San Leandro Festival produced by Tatseena photos by GS staff
it seems that this event is destined to grow each year.

11-11-03 MORE Photos from The Middle Eastern Music and Dance Camp in Mendocino by GS staff and friends
Just the extra photos of our art and faces you know projected into a beautiful natural setting.

11-6-03 Nour: A Biography by Ekaterina
This dance, having its own rules, was like the flight of a soul, especially for one who sees dance as art and not just personal exhibitionism.

11-6-03 Of Hamams and Bathing by Justine Merrill
The attendants giggle while dumping scalding hot water on the screaming, howling clients.


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