ad 4 Dhy & Karen

Gilded Serpent presents...

News & photos from all around our world!
Send us yours!

June 2007 through December 2007

From Dahlal International - "Here's our Christmas party pic! From left to right:
Suzanne- Operations Manager, Danielle -Design Intern, Bo -Customer Service Representative
Linda -Creative Director, Dahlal, Josh- Shipping and Receiving, Carla -Alterations Department,
Christie -Costume Coordinator, Tim -Director of Design and Development, Jen -Communications Coordinator"

Raqs Sharqui Kabir Band.
A multiple award winner maching band for Belly Dancers of the Redwood City,
California Annual July Fourth Parade. From Left - Right.
Richard, Faraz, JoAllyn, Rex, Eric, Huck, Penny, SueAnn, Patter, John & Paul.

Pat Olson, Denise Mannion & Carmine Guida

Happy Holidays to all my fellow dancers!
With Love and Jingle Belts from Gia al Qamar

Happy Holidays from Princess Farhana!

Posted 12-15-07
Thanks Monica!

Posted 12-15-07
Happy Holidays from Nadira and Jason of Seattle, WA
Posted 12-14-07
Happy Holidays from Adira and Duane
of San Jose, CA
Posted 12-14-07
Submitted by Yvonne of Arabesque Studios of Toronto

Happy Holidays from Yvonne, Jennifer, and Mel (and Yasmina)!
"Yasmina has a cold, so we haven't been able to get her into the pic"
Posted 12-14-07
Submitted by Pepper Alexandria of Carnival of Stars

Posted 12-14-07

Happy Christmahaunakwanzaa!
from Alyson and VJ, stage managers for Carnival of Stars, now of Berkeley, CA, but soon to be of Ashville, North Carolina!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Keti Sharif in Egypt - feel free to send an email if you're visiting!

Yasmin's Family
Washington, D.C.

Posted 12-12-07 Top row : Pat, Evin (dancer),Shahrzad,
bottom row: Krystina, Kristi
Season's Greetings from the BellydanceStore!

Posted 12-12-07: Zikrayat, the NYC based ensemble featuring 6 musicians, 2 vocalists and 4 dancers brings back the forgotten classics from the Golden Age of Egyptian cinema. Their new cd "Live at Lotus" was recently nominated for an Independent Music Award!

This photo was taken by Dale Langdon after a recent performance at Alwan for the Arts in Lower Manhattan.
Pictured (back row) from left to right: Bridget Robbins, Dimitri Mikelis, Johnny Farraj, Nikolai Ruskin, Tareq Abboushi, And Musical Director: Sami Abu Shumays. Pictured (front row) from left to right: Leela, Nahara, Vocalists Salah Ragab, Gaida, Yowalka, And Dance Director: Dameshe
To all of our dance and music friends, we wish you the happiest of holidays and we're looking forward to seeing you in 2008! Enjoy!

Holiday Greetings from Shabnam and Mo
Oakland, CA

Happy Holidays from Jayna and Marta!
Los Angeles, CA

Michael Baxter
send us this photo with his holiday greetings!
The photographer, surrounded by Sandra, Michelle Joyce, and Zaheea Anan

SFf Bay Area, CA

Season's Greetings 2007 from Sirens In Sanity
Benicia, CA
inset is John, A.J. and Tammi
Group photos is of the troupe. Directors are Saieda at upper left and Yasmine (Tammi) at lower right.
Back row L to R- Saiedah, Ra'eesah, Salimia Sisla, Amber, Davona, Simone, Mutha
Middle row- Layli, Moira Candide, Astarte, Nadima, Orei, Almaza, Carissa Razi, Zyphire
Front Row- Chenoa, Desiree, Luna Azul, Yasmine

Posted December 9, 2007
San Mateo, CA

House party Dec 1st. Laura comes out of retirement to dance to Tahneen (Marti Coyne, Liz Stuart, Linda Grondahl and friends Mike Fair and Terry Holgate) delighting guests and other performers.
Posted November 23, 2007, Submitted by Ruby Jazayre

At my fall seminar, Elena returned here for the second time. If you remember, she was Bobby Farrah's principle dancer before she branched out on her own. At this event, four others of us who were mentored by Bobby, came together that weekend to dance on the same stage. We are, in the photo from right to left, Mona n'Wal, Wisconsin; Ruby Jazayre, Indiana; Elena Lentini, NY, NY, Shahira, Tennessee; Salome, Ohio. The photo was in the dressing room after the show. There is alot of history in this photo!
The photo was taken by a dancer named Stacey from Madison, Wisconsin.

Sudden Loss Saddens Dance Community-
Ahmad Asad of Little Egypt

On November 3 in Montreal, Canada, beloved husband, father and friend to the international dance community Ahmed Assad passed away after suffering a massive heart attack. He was buried in Montreal in the tradition of his Islamic faith. Ahmed is survived by wife DeeDee and children Nora, Nelly, and Nader.

He will be remembered by many as a loyal friend, a loving husband and father, a dedicated and hard-working producer, and for his boundless generosity, hospitality and service to the international dance community. Our thoughts are with his family in this difficult time. The family has requested no phone calls for the present. Cards and emails are appreciated. Thank you to NTMEDA for the announcement.

Posted November 17, submitted by Maja
Spirit of the Tribes 2007
Need date and where in Florida- April?
click photo for enlargements

Gypsy Tribe of Florida

Zoe's Class

Final Improv
Posted November 16, 2007
Photo submitted by Georgina of Argentina
DANyinZAyang, Oriental Gypsy
México City May 25, 2007
Georgina Distaso with Ali

November 10, 2007
More teaser photos from today's show at Carnival of Stars in Hayward, California
One more fest day tomorrow! More photos to follow.
Michelle, Sharifa
Debbie and Ma*Shuqa

Posted October 31, 2007
Photos submitted by Denise of Pangia from Rakksaah East festival, held in New Jersey, Oct 12 - 14, 2007

click for enlargement

The After Party Band:
Sean on banjo?, Pat Olson of Pangia on oud, Raquay Danziger on comenche, Raqay's drummer (will find out his name) on riq,
then Djinn band members- Pete List with microphone and 'Beat Box',
Guida on Cümbüs, Brad Mac on dumbek, and Melissa the Loud on hurdy gurdy! (what is that thing?)

Ma*Shuqa at right dancing to Pangia's open Stage. Who are the other 2 ladies? Maggie down stage?

Carmine with the Metal Goddesses of Long Island, New York-- names?

October 29, 2007
Susu Pampanin, Amina Goodyear, Michelle and Terrianne perform as part of the program, "SkinSongs- Women on the Drum. " This event was presented by Dance Brigade at Dance Mission Theatre in San Francisco. See also clip below of Grrrl Brigade performing with their older sisters, Dance Brigade. Picture below vid clip is Korean drumming by Ong Dance Company.



Posted October 21, 2007, Submitted by David Ludwig
2007 Burning Man Festival

David sends us a sample of his photos from this year’s Burning Man Festival held in Nevada's Black Rock Dessert over the Labor day weekend.

Pictured on the lovely green bike equipped with cooling misters is David and his girlfriend.



Also pictured for your entertainment are photos of a few of many impressive art installations.



The dragon vehicle that provided public transportation within its claws and above. It had no particle route, schedule or any particular destination.



An unknown fire dancer

This is actually the second effigy to be burned this year. Some anarchist tried to defy tradition by burning the first effigy early. No big deal, they just made another one.

David comments that this year’s event was marred by the fact that is seemed there were many more “looky loos.” The tradition of the event in the past has been that it is strictly a community of artists; all attendees are active participants in an art project and share their art with other artists. At over $200 a ticket, the organizers must be broadening their definitions! This year also had very high temperatures and dust storms.

Look for David wherever you see a flash of aluminum from his 16ft Airstream trailer which is now his nomadic home.

Posted October 21, 2007, Submitted by Jasmin Jahal
Jasmin Jahal's 5th annual Chicago Shimmyfest held August 23-29, 2007
"Ibrahim “Bobby” Farrah’s legacy lives on through his protégés like me and now I want to give this sublime chance to my students, to be challenged mentally, physically and spiritually, to reach a higher level of dance, and to feel the art of Oriental dance exude from every pore of their bodies. This year’s Shimmyfest included 23 workshop hours, two opportunities to perform, one each to recorded music and to live music..."

Click for enlargement

Back row-- Sharon, Ahoo, Linda, Cheryl, Tamara, Joan, Gina, Sandy, Frida, Francine, Judith, Cheryl, Lori, Shelly, Samarah
Middle row- Vivian, Zarina, Viola, Marge, Christina
Bottom row- Cecilia, Laura, Athena, Jacque, Laura, Andrea, Nishi
Front- Jasmin Jahal

"I’m proud to say that every year so far, Shimmyfest has run at full capacity and included dancers from all over the globe, including Brazil, Korea, Canada and Switzerland. This year’s special overseas addition was Tamara from Stuttgart, Germany."

"The Opening Ceremony endured a terrible weather situation, as we experienced tornado conditions! However our Gala Show was sold out!"
Posted October 3, 2007
Aziza's Tour in Singapore
Thought I would send along some photos from my current tour. Singapore was fabulous.
I was invited by Yuki of Bellydance Discovery ( and her troupe "The Orientals".

Sha Sha, Jamila, Maia performed "Tribal Fusion" at the sold out Arabian Fantasy Dinner and Dance Show

click for enlargement
Veil class at the beautiful Victoria Theater . Names please!
Posted October 2, 2007
Khalil Bendib runs for president!
see him at one of his book signings for
Wicked Cartoons by America’s Most Wanted Political Cartoonist "
Book Passage bookstore in
Corte Madera this Saturday Evening
Samples from his book below


Posted Oct 1, 2007
Copeland just back from the Middle East

I spent a week in Syria with Issam Houshan in an area of Damascus now dubbed "Falouja" as there are over a million Iraqi refugees there clogging up all the streets. Most of the cars there have Iraqi license plates. Meanwhile Syria was incredibly hospitable with not a shred of hostility to Americans. Western clothing like jeans, t-shirts with English logos/images, baseball caps and tennis shoes very much the in thing. We recorded some great tracks with Syrian orchestra/musicians for the next BellyDance SuperStars show. 'Met with the Minister of Culture to discuss the possibility of the BDSS performing in Damascus and Palmyra.
Syria is not at all like depicted by our government and press. It is safe, cosmopolitan, secular and open unless you are trying to overthrow the government. 'Some good shopping also in Old Damascus. 'Lots to see and eat. Great food!
Had a fun night with our Ambassador to Egypt who is very knowledgable of Egyptian culture, speaks Arabic and knows his way around. I couldn't resist a photo of me, Fifi Abdu and Ambassador Ricciardone. He represents our country well as he actually likes Arab music and appreciates the history of the region. His cultural team at the Embassy also great and introduced me to some new music people that I had not heard about. I will be releasing some of this music on future BDSS and CIA albums.
Beirut was tense with people not knowing what the future holds. But found some more great music there. Met Lebanese singer Issa Ghandour for the first time made a deal to release his album in the US and use tracks on our compilations.

Miles Copeland, Fifi Abdu and U.S. Ambassador to Egypt, Mr. Ricciardone last week at a reception put on by the US Embassy in Cairo.

Issam and I with Minister of Culture of Syria, Ryad Nasam Aga

Me with Saad Al Soghrier and Amina (both appear on BDSS 4 and 5 CDs)
posted October 1, 2007
Bellyqueen & Barbary Coast Shakedown!
Sunday Sept 30, 2007 at Danzhaus in San Francisco, CA
produced by Gina Grandi


Liz Strong commands the stage,
Bellyqueen watches from the balconey

Barbaray Coast Shakedown- Mira Betz, Rose, Susan

  • Bellyqueen
    pink-Anasma , white-Sandralis , blue- Elisheva, black- Fayzah, red- Kaeshi
Posted 9-28-07
Outside Vendor area,
Desert Dance Festival 2007
Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum & Planetarium.
San Jose, CA

Outside grounds where some vendors were setup. Saturday, September 22, 2007. Rain off and on for most of the day. Outside vendors were told that they would have to move their wares inside at the end of the day.

photo by Duane R. Stevens.


Troupe Good Vibrations
of Dublin, CA

Posted 9-27-07 (sorry for the delay!)

Hahbi 'Ru performing at the Northern California Renaissance Faire at the Casa de Fruta, Hollister, California. (“Casa Faire”) on September 8, 2007, opening day of the Faire. The Faire runs through Oct 14, 2007.

Front: Elayne, Jill, John Compton
Back: (Unknown dancer), Musicians: Jon, Frank

photo by Duane Stevens

September 22, 2007
Fairfax, CA
Helm plays Cafe Amsterdam

Calvin Lai on Erhu (Chinese violin) sits in with Ling Shien (nay) Pat Bogel on frame drum, David Glazier on frame drum, Mark Bell on riqq

Mira Betz follow the wonderful improv of Samuel Atchley on clarinet

Mecinka sings Balkan while Helm takes a break
Tabatha, ?, Elin

Posted 9-17-07 sent into GS by Flo of Tribal Souk
"Our first annual bellydance fiesta in historic old town Albuquerque with performers from around the SouthWest.
Saturday, September 8th 2007. Photos by Lloyd Thrap

As you know the event featured The Indigo with special guest Tobias Roberson we all had a wondefull time.

Zoe leads a workshop.

Posted 9-17-07
Helene Eriksen's Summer Travels
I spent 3 weeks in Algeria in July and August. I was invited to be a juror at two international folklore festivals. At the first festival in Sidi Bel Abbes in western Algeria I was asked to perform Algerian dances at the festival... a great honor...I performed Naila (dances of the Ouled Nail tribe) and Andalusian to very appreciative audiences. I really loved the men's dances "alaoui" from the western regions of Tlemcen and Sidi Bel Abbes in which the men stamp and toss a red tassle on the back of their shoulders to very groovy rhythms. The second festival was in Tizi Ouzou, which is the main city of the
mountainous Kabyle region to the east of Algiers. This festival only presented groups from Africa and the Arab world. There were spectacular groups and it was a great opportunity to discover more about Kabyle traditions, including visiting a village hadra (trance ritual).
"Here are pictures from Algeria:

in the festive dress of Sidi bel Abbess,

waiting to go on stage for my Andalusian dance,

me modeling a costume from the Kabyle in a mountainous Kabyle village up from Tizi Ouzou,

in Naila costume with colleagues from the festival,

with a dance group in costumes from Oran.
September 9, 2007
Warning! Self indulgent editor gets emotional over new tool.
Look at that! I can see GS as it was meant to be on my phone!

Posted Sept 5, 2007
Za-Beth's Viva La Diva Boston Pageant
held August 25 2007
in Boston, MA.

L-R: Mariah (OH) 2nd Runner-Up, Athallia (NYC) 1st Runner-Up, Amartia (MD) 3rd runner-Up, Na'ima Ali (CA & MA) Winner , Badriya (MA), Genevieve (MA), & Sabrina (MA)

Contestants backstage with Za-Beth
Sabrina, Badriya, Amartia, & Mariah. Za-Beth on right end

Posted Sept 4, 2007
Joshkun's Mendocino
MED Camp help Aug 12-19, 2007
Help with names please!
More photos to follow hopefully!

Georges Lammam on violin at left, other names?
Omar Faruk on nay at center of circle ...
Georges Lammam again on violin
Posted Sept 4, 2007
Dallas, Texas
Sa'diyya and the Danza della Luna Performance Company received First Place and earned the title, "Troupe Stars" at the 2007 Yaa Halla Y'all People's Choice Awards with their Samba-Oriental fusion dance!
Photos courtesy of Chris Brown.

Sept 2, 2007
Miles Copeland will now be the distributor for Suhaila's DVDs as well as booking her workshops worldwide.
Suhaila's student night at Club Montero's in Albany, California. Getting ready to perform are: l-r Cecily, Ginger, Tamara, Carina, Kitiera, Crystal

posted Sept 2, 2007
Shahravar's Summer Showcase
in Fort Collins, Colorado on June 23 , 2007
pictured are Left to right: Shahravar-Carmella-Veronica & Sophia (Front)

Posted August 29, 2007

Hazerfan rocks the Monterrey Turkish Festival August 4th and 5th, 2007, in Monterey. CA

Playing an eclectic fusion of rock, Turkish and eastern music, Hazerfan performed songs in both Turkish and English and featured bay area duet Surreyya and Ballour in the favorite annual Monterrey weekend festival.

Band members: Murat Bayhan, Alibaba, Terilynn Bench, Surreyya, Ballour

Pictures by Randall Cieri

Posted 8-27-07
Astryd Farrah performs at Pachamamma's in San Francisco after her workshop at Dance Mission sponsored by Amina Goodyear on 8-26-07.

Georges Lammam ensemble also includes: Nasser, Angela, Amina, Loay, and more.

The survivors of the all day workshop pose with Astryd. left to right back to front,
Betsey Flood, Cherlyn, ?, Leyla Lanty, Jasmine, Sabiba, Naiya, Andrea, Shaunte, Astryd, Marianne, Maouma Rose, ?, Julie, Claudia, Maria, Debra. Down front- Monica, ?, Henni, ?, Zulya, Amina, Nayan, Farah.
(thanks to Rose and Monica!)

Posted August 13, 2007,
Ahlan Cairo Nights, Dallas Texas, August 2-5 2007
Randa as belly dancing pirate queen and
Mariyah wins Queen of Raks Sharki 2007

credit to George Stretch of Photos by the Sultan

August 11, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Giza Club

performance by vairous musicians sitting in with
Layalli al Sharq

left to right
Amina Goodyear - duf
Bridget- ney
Angela - violin
Husain - oud
Erena - riq
Samara - voice
Susu - tabla
Vince Delgado - kanoun
Coralie - oud

Posted July 25, 2007
Oakland CA
2007 Queen of the Bay Winners
Summer, Mina, Cera with 2006 Queen Zahara.

July 20, 2007

Natasha gets ready to wow the crowds at the Victoria Luminara Festival. Proud Mom and seamstress, Erica, and Dad, Steve, look forward to showing off their five-month-old daughter in Victoria, British Columbia.




Posted June 27, 2007

Hadia, Level I Teacher Training presented at Tatika's Treasures in Mesquite, TX (Dallas), June 15-18th, 2007
Photo 1)With the North Texas area participants: Tatika, Ileana, Nadirah, Meleea, Hadia, Catherine, Terilyn, Christina
Photo 2) Showing participants some of her recommended safe methods for stretching the body after class.

Photos contributed by Catherine Barros

Posted June 27, 2007

Desert Rose 2007 Competition
was held on June 21-22 in Santa Cruz, CA.
This event was sponsored by Vashti of Bellydance Odyssey

This group photo is of the contestants for the Solo division

1- Fifi, 2- Summer 3rd place winner, 3- Crystal, 4- Mandandah, 5- Zahara, 6- Henni, 1st place winner, 7- Mayette, second place winner, 8-Jody

Photo by Sharif

Posted June 26, 2007
Bellydancers lead the Gay Pride Parade in San Francisco
this last weekend

Photos by Duane Stevens

pictured are :

Fat Chance student troupes?
Nefer Tem and Red Lotus

Photo 1 Pictured left to right are:
1, 2, 3- Martha in black, 4, 5, 6,

Readers help please!

pictured are :

1-Lucie, 2-Laurie of Troupe Saaidi,
3-Ed, 4- Shoozq/ Susie, 5-Cliff


June 8, 2007
Jalal Takesh has sold Pasha Restaurant, a San Francisco icon for decades.
The new owner, Zoheir Senhaji, will take over in a couple of weeks.
Pictured left to right:
Yousef, Tahia/Tina, Irina, Jalal and Nevzat

Jalal promises to give us his story very soon.

Meanwhile he has several musical instruments to sell:
a tanbour,
dahul, and a
kanoun made especially for him by Kenan Ozten.

Contact editor if seriously interested.

  • January 2010 through June 2010
    vid clips:Sehar Niraja at BDUC, Samira teaches Eastern Finger Snap, BDUC 09 video collage, Gigbag Check #21- Mark Balahadia
    Photos: Gig photo from Khalilah and Amira, Aziza's DVD release party, List of Winners from Breakthrough Fusion contest, Alnisa and Terry at Papa's Taverna, Maria Celado passes away, Surreyya and friends at Liz Strong's birthday party, Ahava and friends at ethnic Dance festival Auditions, Gordon Inkeles's Snake Dancer, Aswat at De Young, Moh Alileche's Ensemble and Danse Maghreb at De Young, Lynette Harper and Rahma's performance, Kristine's photos from Mississippi, Sean's photos from Texas, Dondi, Michelle and Babies, Shabnam's photos from Rakkasaha, Randa Kamel WOrkshop in DC, Anne White's photos from UK, Surreyya and Crystal at Floralia Fest in New Mexico, Tribal Souk sponsors Rachel Brice workshop in Albaquerque, Dilek's recent win at Belly Dancer of the Universe , List of Contestants for Bellydancer of the Year, photos of BDOY Winners, Dhyanis dancing with Pangia, Ozgen assists physiotherapist Elizabeth Sharp, class photo from Yousry's West Coast intensive.
  • July 2009 through December 2009
    vid clips: Shereen of Prague at BDUC, Surreyya interview Zoi of Tokyo, Mahsati Jahan Gig Bag Check, Kosmos Camp 2009 Report, Backstage with Elizabeth Strong and BDSS, Rowan Storm advises women becoming musicians, Gigbag Check with Surreyya, Gigbag Check with Amira and Sadiya at COS, 1994 Performance of Serpent Bacchus and Prego Lynette,
    Suhaila's troupe performs at Berkeley Marina, Nicole and Kara at soccer game in Cairo, Danse Maghreb in Alameda, Sausan's group at King Tut Opening, Monica and friends at Wiggle of West in Las Vegas, Queen of Raks Sharki Contest in Dallas Tx, Dondi's Baby Tiernan, Duane sends photo from "Pizza Raks", Keti Sharif's baby Serafina, Sa'diyya's troupe, Brad, Gibson and Kristen at SF Mecca, Wiggles winners, Zahra Zuhair's show pic teaser, Benefit for Bridgette, Shabnam's Baby Sholeh, GS 10th year party, Ramadan in Cairo, Tennessee dancers, Ramadan in Indonesia, Khalilah wins Jewel of the Sierra, Hazerfan warms up for Sertab Erener and Demir Demirkan, Carnival of Stars fest photos, Pregnant Michelle Joyce and husband, Photos from North Bay BD Bazaar, Photos from Desert Dance Fest In San Jose, Desert Heat in Berkeley, Mesmera's school at Dar Maghreb in LA, Baxter's photos from Jewel of the Sierra Contest, Ava Fleming Class in Asheville, NC, Sirens In Sanity at Redwood Coast Fest, Sharazad Troupe at Arizona Arab Fest, Hossam Ramzy in Singapore, Nadja and Nicole of Sweden, Stasha at El Mansour, SF, Nicole in Cairo, Bulent and Friends in Turkey, Michelle and new baby, Khairiyya, Yasmina and group in Cairo, Shaia's New Studio. Shareen teaches for Monica in SF, Michael Baxter's Birthday, Gia's gig in NJ, Bahaia's prego belly, Holiday grettings from Andre' Elbing, Davina, and Sahar
  • January 2009 through June 2009
    vid clips:Fusion Contest JimBoz Gig Bag Check , Sabah 2008, Mireya wins at BDUC, Bahaia makeup, Dominique Senecal of Montreal, By Dancers 4 Dancers, Gig bag Check with Astryd, 4 yo Assal Takesh dances for daddy Salah, Gig Bag Check with Pepper,
    Photos: Breakthrough Fusion Competition photos, Leyla's BDr of the World Competition in Germany, Shabnam's Troupe Rashika at Ethnic Dance Festival auditions, Joweh member, Elizabeth Friend, at the America's Got Talent auditions in Los Ange beautiful baby Sofie, daughter of belly dancer Amira of Las Vegas, “Sharif” Ahmad El-Mouzayen: In Memoriam, Raks Hakohaveem, Bert Balladine passed away, Simon Shaheen concert, MissiHIPPY at the grand opening, H1N1 Flu Epidemic Affects Dance Classes in Mexico, Arabesque Dance Company’s production of "Egypt" in Toronto, Saturday at Tribel Fest, Contestants list for Bellydancer of the Year, Finalist from BD of Y, BDoY Winning Troupe, Kosmos Camp
  • June 2008 through December 2008
    vid clips:Vashti's Gigbag check, RanyaMaqamikaze, Ivanka of Panama, Lauren of BDSS gig bag check, Ranya Renee Maqamikaze of New York City backstage,Bozenka at IBCC, Jehan & Serena's music clip together, Gig Bag Check #10 with Petite Jamila, Gig Bag Check #6 with Zoe Jakes, Gig Bag Check with Shelley of Unmata, Sherry's Club Oasis, Sonia of BDSS Gig bag check,
    Photos: Sulyman's house burns down, DDF refunding video money, Cory & Gail Marry, Double Crown Results, Raqs LA, GS Party, Rachid at Stern Grove, Amaya's Shake and Bake, BDTV vol3 coming out soon, Sonoma Valley Green Music Festival, Midwest Bellydance Challenge,Diane Webber's Passing, BD Mag on Big Box Book Stores! Surreyya & Crystal in Tokyo, Helm in Spain, BDSS in Spain, Zoe- age 8- dances, Sahra teaches at Amina's, Aida Nor teaches inChicago, Mandanah wins North Valley contest, Youssery in Istanbul, Ramona does book signing, Tribal Asia Fest, Mt Shasta gig, BDSS at Copeland's Castle, Ahmet workshop in NYC, 1001 nights, Tales of Desire show, Sirens holiday greeting, and much more...
  • January 2008 through May 2008
    vid clips:Gig Bag Check #1- Monica, Gig Bag Check #2 Jillina, Gig Bag Check #3- Malia, New kid on the block-Nathalie, Valizan interviews Ozgen, Kervan ensemble perform at SF Restaurant, Rebaba returns, Sharon's Gigbag Check, Lava of Sisters of Alchemy

    Holiday photo from Bijan Reastuarant, Roxxanne and friends, Yasser Darwish workshop, Linda's group do Algerian Kabyle and Algerian Ouled Nail, Orit in Toronto workshop, Tamalyn breaks her leg! Leila workhop in Mexico, RaksW teachers carpool, Asia's coming benefit Miles and BDSS on tour, Najia's Birthday Party, Aziza in Florida, Susu and TerriAnne in Guatemala, Reyhan in crisis, BD of the Year Results, East Coast Classic Results, Goddesses Unleashed
  • June 2007 through December 2007- you are here!
    Pasha Restaurant of SF sells to new owner, FCBD in SF Gay Pride Parade, Contests, Hadia in TX, Baby BDr, Randa in TX, Video Clips begin!, Astryd teaches, Turk Fest, Miles rescues Suhaila, Mendocino ME M&D camp, Helene's travels, Helm at home in Fairfax, Miles and the bigwigs of the ME, Mr Ahmed Asad dies suddenly during workshop weekend in Montreal, Fiesta in Albaquerque, Spirit of the Tribes in Florida, Holiday greetings from all over!, DDF, Cartoonist runs for president, Bobby's Girls reunion, Rakksah East, Dancer photos from Mexico and Colorado and more
  • January 2007 through May 2007
    BDoY 2007 winners, Leila's beautiful baby boy!, East Coast Classic, Dondi, Aziza's world adventures, Rhea's dtr Melinda marries in Greece, Serengheti Nights benefit , Reda's Son's BD party, Kami Liddle Workshop, Siren Insanity, Tribute to Rhonda, BDSS audtions in San Rafael, Kaya's Baby girl!, Dancer night at San Jose pizzaria, back stage video shoot pics.
  • June 2006 through December 2006
    Flamenco in West Marin, John and Sharlyn pose together again, Sherry and Taiwan dancers, Sahira teaches in Taiwan, Michel and Sophia play dress up in Spain, Leyla Lanty dancing at AWS in Cairo. Snake dancer gives birth to a troupe!, BD cruise, Pr Farhana is as a tattoo, Mark of Wash DC in SF, Holiday photos, contests
  • January 2006 through May 2006
    grade school interpretations of world dances, Helene's intl travels, Goth DVD teaser video, BDSS auditions, Aida, Magdy and Leila in LA, cruising sites in SF, Salahs family in Iran, Contest, Dondi workshopp, Suhaila workshop, Vince gets down with fellow beatniks, Helm making a CD, Jill Parker's undulation, Meena in Iraq, MaryEllen with students from Taiwan- Cheg yi and Sherri, SFMECDA officers for 2005,
  • April through December 2005
    Alexandria in London, Khalid in SF, BD in Maui, Gia and pet, Tracking BDrs after Hurricane Katrina, Papa's Taverna in N California, Princess Farhana Teaches, Angelika's tour in Turkey, Giza Awards for video, Egyptian Folkloric troupe in SF, contests all over, gilded serpent sited in zoo, BDr in local parade. Bdr dolls hit toy stores

Have a comment? Send us a letter!
Check the "Letters to the Editor" for other possible viewpoints!

New spot for those Fat Format ads!



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