



Oasis Dance Camp



Jillina's Bellydance Evolution



Gilded Serpent presents...

News & photos from all around our world!

January 2010 through June 2010
Send us yours!
vid clips:Sehar Niraja at BDUC, Samira teaches Eastern Finger Snap, BDUC 09 video collage, Gigbag Check #21- Mark Balahadia
Gig photo from Khalilah and Amira, Aziza's DVD release party, List of Winners from Breakthrough Fusion contest, Alnisa and Terry at Papa's Taverna, Maria Celado passes away, Surreyya and friends at Liz Strong's birthday party, Ahava and friends at ethnic Dance festival Auditions, Gordon Inkeles's Snake Dancer, Aswat at De Young, Moh Alileche's Ensemble and Danse Maghreb at De Young, Lynette Harper and Rahma's performance, Kristine's photos from Mississippi, Sean's photos from Texas, Dondi, Michelle and Babies, Shabnam's photos from Rakkasaha, Randa Kamel WOrkshop in DC, Anne White's photos from UK, Surreyya and Crystal at Floralia Fest in New Mexico, Tribal Souk sponsors Rachel Brice workshop in Albaquerque, Dilek's recent win at Belly Dancer of the Universe , List of Contestants for Bellydancer of the Year, photos of BDOY Winners, Dhyanis dancing with Pangia, Ozgen assists physiotherapist Elizabeth Sharp, class photo from Yousry's West Coast intensive.

Posted June 28, 2010, submitted by Sahar Sami

Yousry Sharif's West Coast Intensive 2010
Presented by Sahar Sami and held in San Diego on May 22 & 23, 2010

Some participants didn't stay for the photo. Click photo for enlargement. Pictured are:
Back row- 1-Zivah "Zizi" Fereshteh, 2- Roxxane Shelby, 3- Linda Brown, 4-Zahra, 5-Marie O'Reagan  6-Rhena, 7-Georgia Schmid, 8 Saida, 9- Ameerah, 10 Sabah Sami 11 Naho Yokota, 12 Sara 13 Ninah Lina 
Middle row: 1 Raquel Muzquiz, 2 Neinei Lawless, 3 - Lucia, 5 Raja, 6 Yousry Sharif, 7 Morwenna Assaf, 8 Sama'a 9 Victoria Rock, 10 Rosie Flores, 11 Saleema Seif, 12, 13, 14
Front row: 1 Rania 2-Liliana, 3 Pathy, 4-Sahar Sami, 5-David Badyal, 6- Lauren, 7- Neena Nour, 8 Adira


posted June 17, 2010, submitted by Ozgen
On May 19, 2010, at the Kazan Restaurant in London, Ozgen had an interesting gig!
"Master Master Turkish Oriental dancer Ozgen teamed up with the UK’s leading physiotherapist Elizabeth Sharp to demonstrate how belly dancing can be an effective way to deal with back pain, an endemic health problem in the West that is said to affect 80% of all adults..." for more (offsite)
photography from Maani Vadgama
photography by Suzan Nuri

posted June 9, 2010, submitted by Dhyanis,
photo by Carl Sermon in New Jersey May 2, 2010
Dhyanis by Carl Sermon

Dhyanis' freedom dance live with Pangia at Spring Caravan
the weekend following closing WorldDance Fitness in San Anselmo.

Later that same day... 5-30-2010 Belly Dancer of the Year 2010 Finalists. Submitted by Michael Baxter.
Mia Sha'uri wins!


5-30-2010 Belly Dancer of the Year 2010 Finalists. Submitted by Michael Baxter.

Micheal's BDoY 2010 Finalists
Click on photo for larger image
L to R, 10 Semi-Finalists: Mia Sha'uri, Jacqueline Morris, Mariah, Zafirah, Khalilah, Tabitha, Grinnely, Masha, Maryam, Khalida

5-30-2010 Belly Dancer of the Year 2010 Photos! submitted by Denise Mannion
Duet and Trio Winners
Duets and Trios

Winner: Jamali Bellydance Trio 
Left: 2nd Runner Up Raks Africa from Oakland, 
Center: 1st runner up:  Imajin from Walnut Creek  
Right: Jamila Belldance Trio

Grand dancers
Grand Dancers:YOLANDA WINS! (Center) [ed note- we need other names please!]

All Troupes
click photo for larger image

All the troupes including:
Troupe Dhyanis, Jewels of the Beladi, Modern Gypsy, Song of the Sand


click photo for larger image
The 10 finalists for Sunday are:
L-R: Mia Sha'uri, Jacqueline Morris, Mariah, Zafirah, Khalilah, Tabitha, Grinnely, Masha, Maryam, Khalida

Posted May 18, 2010, submitted by Leea Aziz
List of contestants entered to compete in the coming

Belly Dancer of the Year 2010

to be held in San Ramon , California on May 29-31, 2010

Belly Dancer of the Year

  3. ARIEL
  5. DILEK
  10. KATYA
  13. LARA
  14. MARIAH
  15. MARYAM
  16. MASHA
  18. MIDORI
  19. NAJYA
  20. SAHARA

waiting list:  MAIA ALEXANDRA

2010 Troupe

Grand Dancer
  6. THERESA  JADE (waiting list)
  7. PALOMA (waiting list)


  6. recently added- Scimitar ( Surreyya and Crystal)
2010 BDOY Judges

 1.  Aneena
 2.  Aradia
 3.  Ayesha
 4.  Aziza!
 5.  Denise
 6. Ely Buffin
 7. Fadil Shahin
 8.  Fiji
 9.  Judeen

10.  Lotus Niraja
11.  Malia DeFelice
12.  Maria
13.  Monica
14.  Naiya
15.  Nanna Candelaria
16.  Oreet
17.  Pat Olson
Dilek wins!
Posted May 18, 2010, submitted by Dilek
Left- Dilek's recent win at Belly Dancer of the Universe in February 2010
Below- Arabina Dance Company
left to right- Vilia, Dilek, Rebecca, Heather

Posted May 12, 2010, Submitted by Flo and Duane Bargar of Tribal Souk, Old World Imports, Albuquerque, New Mexico

Hey there!
Here is a group pic from our recent event in April 2010 in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Old World Imports hosted Rachel Brice as part of our 10th Anniversary celebration.
This photo was taken on the final day of a weekend event that featured a community Hafla, Sly Tymey Show and of course the intense workshops.

TL: _, Rachel, Oakley, Jessica, Zoe, Yvonne, _, Rachel Brice, Jennifer, Kari, Flo Bargar, _, _, Nicole_,
BL: Alesa, Eric, Bethany, Sherry, Sarah, Korlee, Catherine, Jasmine, _, Kris, Monica, Lila, Hannah, Alaska, Nikki, Annie

posted May 12, 2010, submitted by Surreyya
Floralia Festival in T or C, New Mexico
(T or C = Truth or Consequences)

left to right: Surreyya Hada; Selena Kareena (TorC, NM); Saz'hrah,"ROMAntasy"in RED(El Paso TX); Senee,(in front) of Snake Charmer and the Belly Dancer; El Paso TX; Zeidy, "The Killer Dancer", (Chihuahua, Mexico); Danitza, "Fatik Humra", (Juarez, Mexico); Nyla Crystal.
Background: left to right; Sonia, of "Snake Charmer and the Belly Dancer", Senee's mom, and Leo Regalado, Saleena Kareena's Husband.

Crystal's wing workshop:
left to right: Anne Marie Vidal,Albq. NM; Doris, NM; Donna Lindbloom, KS; Ari Cervantes, NM; Anastasia Carroll, El paso, Tx; Mariposa Azul, Abq. NM; Nyla Crystal

Surreyya's sword workshop
left to right: Anastasia Carroll, El paso TX, Donna Lindbloom, Wichita, KS; Surreyya, Katrina Doolittle, Las Cruces, NM, Anne Marie Vidal, Albq. NM, Nyla (not pictured - taking photo)

Left to right; Tasha Banat, ABQ. NM; Nyla Adani, Chihuahua, Mexico.; Latiffa Layali, Chihuhua, MX.; Selena Kareena, TorC, NM;

Posted March 29, 2010, submitted by Anne White of the United Kingdom, photos by Oliver Papp

Anne White in red dress
"1st image is me dancing in red costume  at Planet Egypt-having fun to a Hakim track. I have a playful and mischevious side which is encapsulated in the image
I only dance once a year at our events as waiting list is so full its inconsiderate to take someone else's slot as waiting list in 2 years long to perform at our events.

Anne at a party!

2nd image is me in black dancing at Planet Egypt disco. The dance floor gets packed and everyone has fun. People make friends and get spotted on dance floor. I audition people that way and also keep an eye out for talent. Its a nice social way to promote oneself as well"

"Daphne and Meret dancing in July 09. Daphne uses comedy, story telling  and theatre eg Belly dance Diaries. Something very unusual!  She is very good at what she does and is a very good dancer as well! 

Many images are taken by audience and find their way on to our facebook sites

Final note -We have events every month. We provide a wide and diverse programme reflecting as many different styles as we can, and feature the best that we can find (national and international). Also we may not feature people again for 2 years or more.......

Posted March 29, 2010, submitted by Dee Dee Asad , photos belong to Serena of Calgary, Alberta
Photos from the Randa & Faten Workshop held in Washington DC,
March 5, 6, & 7, 2010


Serena and Nelly Asad

Dee Dee, Randa Kamel , Serena and Faten Salama
posted March 29, 2010, submitted by Shabnam

Solo pic is of my new Goblet Dance performed at the Rakkasah After Party, Richmond, CA
Photo by
Raymond Van Tassel



Ariellah & Shabnam



My student Troupe performed at Rakkasah West
Heaven, Julie J, Gita, Jules, Paula, Fariba, Clint


Shabnam & Ooh La La
From L to R
Etana Hayal, Jules Huang, Shabnam, Sarah Benitez, Mandanah

Posted March 27, 2010
GigBag Check #21: Mark Balahadia answers Gilded Serpent
What does a dancing dude carry with him to a show?
This footage was shot backstage at the Hungarian Center in Toronto during the
International Bellydance Conference of Canada in April of 2008  

Posted March 17, 2010, photo submitted by Michelle Joyce
Michelle and Dondi take a moment from filming in Dhyanis & Aruna's studio to play with babies Sienna and Tiernan

Michelle. Dondi and babies!

Posted March 17, 2010, photos submitted by Sean Blanck of Wind & Fingers Mid Eastern Ensemble
Here are some pictures from various venues with many of our local professional dancers
from the Dallas, Ft. Worth, Texas area.

Sean's 38th birthday celebration May 2009
Dancers: Aleah, Rasha,
Tamra Henna, Deelite, Yeli

Musicians- Sean on drums, Matt on keyboard, James Hopkins riqq and deff



Yeli with Wind & Fingers
Venue: Tatika's Gala show January 2010

posted 2-22-2010, submitted by Kristina
Photo by Kungaloosh Photography and used with their permission.

MissiHIPPY performing their MissiHIPPY Midway show at the Black Hearts Ball 2010 at the Petra Cafe in Clinton, Mississippi, on February 13, 2010.
R-L: Sheila -Animal Trainer, Kristina- Ringleader, Michele- tattooed lady, Randi -Tightrope walker"

Lynette and Rahma

Posted February 17, 2010, submitted by Lynette Harper
Lynette Harper and Rahma Haddad explored their shared Lebanese roots and Arab-Canadian identities through dance and storytelling in Bekaa Valley Girls: A Lebanese Saga (presented by Vancouver’s Dance Centre in late 2009, in their “Discover Dance” series).  More than one hundred years after their grandfathers escaped from Ottoman authorities, these two women found each other through a common love of Arab dance.  Family narratives and performances of traditional and contemporary Arab dance offered a personal and cultural context for understanding our dynamic dance form.

[ed note- Lynette Harper will be lecturing at the International Bellydance Conference of Canada in April]


Bekaa Valley Girls
Rahma Lynette Harper
Lynette and Rahma

posted 1-13-2010
Moh Alileche's Ensemble
Traditional ancient Amazigh or Berber songs of the Kabylia region of Algeria,
performing at the De Young Museum in San Francisco
Moh Alileche's Ensemble
Fatma guest sings with Kevin Cloud, Moh, Diana Strong, John Waller, Tim Abdellah Fuson
click photo for larger image

Danse Maghreb
Danse Maghreb
calssical and folkloric dances of North Africa and al-Andalus
Jasmyn, Janine, Malia, Amy, Heather and Linda

Linda and Malia
Linda and Malia

Posted 1-30-10
Aswat Music Ensemble
performs at the De Young Museum's King Tut Exhibit , 1-29-10, in San Francisco, CA
Aswat Music Ensemble performs at the De Young Museum's King Tut Exhibit
click for enlargement
Hector plays ney
Hassan plays violin
Hassan and Sarah on violins
Amina and Loay play percussion
Amina plays daf, Loay on dumbek, Sandy and Peter on percussion and Greg on oud

Tut Throne
Even Tut is supported by gilded serpents!

Rachid directs
Rachid Halihal directs


Posted on January 25, 2010, submitted by Gordon Inkeles
Snake Dancer by Gordon Inkeles
"I took this in North Beach in 1974.
I was considering using this dancer and her snake one of the dance scenes
in my video The Classic Stars of Bellydance,
but the snake went for my cameraman."  [ed-not!]
Does any one recognize this dancer and snake?
review on GS, for purchase

Posted 1-22-10
Video Report from Belly Dancer of the Universe Competition 2009

Tonya and Atlantis present this contest every February in Long Beach, California.
This video is a collage of random moments of competitors, judges, vendors, and audience. Please be sure to also view our videos interviews done over this weekend.
They include Shereen, Mireya, Sehar and Lotus. More interviews to come! [ed-Thank you Surreyya for putting this together for me! ]

posted 1-20-10, submitted by Ahava
Ahava at the SF Ethnic dance Festival

   Here's a picture of me and my friends taken at the San Francisco Ethnic dance festival auditions this past Saturday 1/16.
I performed a Classical Egyptian piece, the title of it was called "Tribute to the Golden Era." The other women in the photo are my good friends (from left to right): Shaunte, Samar and April.

posted 1-18-10, Submitted by Surreyya
Elizabeth's Birthday
Via google phone with wine in hand - on location at Elizabeth's Strong's Birthday Soiree at her home in Oakland
From L to R:  Surreyya Hada, Elizabeth Strong, Dena Martinez and Rosie Masters

Posted 1-16-10
Samira Tamir teaches the Eastern Finger Snap at the Mendocino Music and Dance Camp.
This footage was captured in August 2008 at the camp located in the Mendocino Woodlands of Northern California.
Samira is one of the organizers of the camp. Yes, that is Karim Nagi trying to learn too.

posted 1-14-10, photos submitted by Alanna
Maria Celado of New Orleans
was a kind, loving, and beautiful friend and belly dancer and loved her community, art, music, nature and humanity.
She had a brain aneurysm on December 28 and died last Wednesday, January 6 in San Francisco.
We will miss her.


posted 1-14-10
Gilded Serpent talks with
Sehar Niraja

at the Belly Dancer of the Universe Competition in February 2009

We talk with Sehar and her aunt and mentor Lotus Niraja of Baltimore Maryland,
just before Sehar is about to compete in the junior division of the Belly Dancer of the Universe Competition in February of 2009 in Long Beach California.

Thank you Surreyya for preparing this video for posting!
Posted 1-11-10, submitted by Terry Del Giorno
Terry Del Giorno and Alnisa duet at Papa's

Happy TwentyTen from your northbay neighbors. 
Here's a photo for the Serpent...Alnisa and I performing a duet at the 13th Annual Papa's Show at Papa's Taverna in December.
Happy New  Year Lady!! Oh yea....we were introduced as T and A!!

posted 1-7-2010, photo by Michael Baxter
Jodi by Michael
Jodi wins

2nd annual Breakthrough Fusion Competition
Held January 2 &3, 2010 in San Francisco
Here are the results from this years competition:
1st Place Soloist: Jodi Waseca
2nd Place Soloist: Gia Camarillo
3rd Place Soloist: Michelle Reynolds

1st Place Troupe: Orchid Bellydance
2nd Place Troupe: Aria
3rd Place Troupe: Hello, Vixen!

posted 1-7-2010, submitted by Aziza
Release Party for my DVD, "Hands, Arms, and Poses"
held at the Greek Cuisina in Portland, Oregon Dec. 20th 2009

It was a packed house charged with electricity. I was full of nostalgia and excitement to be able to celebrate the release of my newest instructional DVD back in my hometown of Portland, Oregon.  I had invited a select few of my favourite dancers to perform. Starting off the performances was Blue Lotus Dance Company from Seattle. I am so impressed by this hard working group. Their high energy and precise choreography held the audience spellbound. Directed by the talented Nahlini, this is a troupe to watch! Then we were blessed by a performance from Portland’s newest resident Rachel Brice. I was so touched that she agreed to perform. With her grace and charm, she presented us with a jazz inspired drum solo that confirmed why she is a global star.  Next to take the stage was Soulfire Bellydance. Fiery and fierce in red costumes, these ladies did not hold back. This troupe has been getting a lot of attention on the competition circuit, with good reason. I am proud of these women and look forward to what happens  next  for them.   One more modern Bollywood number from Blue Lotus and then I took the stage. It was surreal to be performing again at the Greek Cuisina. It had been 18 years since I was a regular dancer at this Portland hot spot. I felt the love and support of the room. I wanted to share with the people who knew “Aziza from the Block” where I am now in my dance. I don’t get as many opportunities to dance for intimate audiences anymore. This felt special. Taking charge of MC duties allowed me to honour my first instructors and other special women that have influenced me in my dance journey.  My first instructor Ruby Sowder, 22 years ago I took my first lesson in a high school gym in Vancouver, Washington from this small but powerful woman, my mentor, Nemra Khan, who has been a guide and sounding board for the whole of my dance career, and Sam Marshall, stage director at the Gypsy Stage at the Oregon Country Fair and one of my best friends. Someone I call from while I am on tour at 4am when I can’t sleep from jet lag.  As well as thanking my former students, friends, and contemporaries for their support.  This project is the first by my fledgling company, Azizaraks Productions. I was thrilled to be able to have my husband and the producer of the DVD, Eric Perreault by my side during the celebration. I am grateful to everyone who attended this special evening. I look forward to many more projects like this one in the future!

My first instructor Ruby Sowder
Soulfire on stage at Greek Cuisina
Severina, Oberon, Nemra Khan, Tamara, Angelica
Manning the table- Severina, Oberon, Nemra Khan, Tamara, Angelica

After party with Blue Lotus and Soulfired

Aziza with Rachel Brice
Posted on 1-7-2010, submitted by Khalida, photos by Scott Belding
We had a fabulous Live Music Night at El Morocco Restaurant in Pleasant Hill, CA on November 20, 2009! The band, our friends Garnada, played a wonderful mix of Arabic and Flamenco music. House dancers were me (Khalilah) and Amira. The band is based out of San Francisco and San Bruno, and includes Ahmed Drief (oud and guitar), Victor Lin (violin) and Mike Mesuda (percussion). Fadil even joined in for a fabulous drum solo for Amira.
  • January 2010 through June 2010- you are here!
    vid clips:Sehar Niraja at BDUC, Samira teaches Eastern Finger Snap, BDUC 09 video collage, Gigbag Check #21- Mark Balahadia
    Photos: Gig photo from Khalilah and Amira, Aziza's DVD release party, List of Winners from Breakthrough Fusion contest, Alnisa and Terry at Papa's Taverna, Maria Celado passes away, Surreyya and friends at Liz Strong's birthday party, Ahava and friends at ethnic Dance festival Auditions, Gordon Inkeles's Snake Dancer, Aswat at De Young, Moh Alileche's Ensemble and Danse Maghreb at De Young, Lynette Harper and Rahma's performance, Kristine's photos from Mississippi, Sean's photos from Texas, Dondi, Michelle and Babies, Shabnam's photos from Rakkasaha, Randa Kamel WOrkshop in DC, Anne White's photos from UK, Surreyya and Crystal at Floralia Fest in New Mexico, Tribal Souk sponsors Rachel Brice workshop in Albaquerque, Dilek's recent win at Belly Dancer of the Universe , List of Contestants for Bellydancer of the Year, photos of BDOY Winners, Dhyanis dancing with Pangia, Ozgen assists physiotherapist Elizabeth Sharp, class photo from Yousry's West Coast intensive.
  • July 2009 through December 2009
    Photos:Photos:Suhaila's troupe performs at Berkeley Marina, Nicole and Kara at soccer game in Cairo, Danse Maghreb in Alameda, Sausan's group at King Tut Opening, Monica and friends at Wiggle of West in Las Vegas, Queen of Raks Sharki Contest in Dallas Tx, Dondi's Baby Tiernan, Duane sends photo from "Pizza Raks", Keti Sharif's baby Serafina, Sa'diyya's troupe, Brad, Gibson and Kristen at SF Mecca, Wiggles winners, Zahra Zuhair's show pic teaser, Benefit for Bridgette, Shabnam's Baby Sholeh, GS 10th year party, Ramadan in Cairo, Tennessee dancers, Ramadan in Indonesia, Khalilah wins Jewel of the Sierra, Hazerfan warms up for Sertab Erener and Demir Demirkan, Carnival of Stars fest photos, Pregnant Michelle Joyce and husband, Photos from North Bay BD Bazaar, Photos from Desert Dance Fest In San Jose, Desert Heat in Berkeley, Mesmera's school at Dar Maghreb in LA, Baxter's photos from Jewel of the Sierra Contest, Ava Fleming Class in Asheville, NC, Sirens In Sanity at Redwood Coast Fest, Sharazad Troupe at Arizona Arab Fest, Hossam Ramzy in Singapore, Nadja and Nicole of Sweden, Stasha at El Mansour, SF, Nicole in Cairo, Bulent and Friends in Turkey, Michelle and new baby, Khairiyya, Yasmina and group in Cairo, Shaia's New Studio. Shareen teaches for Monica in SF, Michael Baxter's Birthday, Gia's gig in NJ, Bahaia's prego belly, Holiday grettings from Andre' Elbing, Davina, and Sahar,
    Video: Shereen of Prague at BDUC, Surreyya interview Zoi of Tokyo, Mahsati Jahan Gig Bag Check, Kosmos Camp 2009 Report, Backstage with Elizabeth Strong and BDSS, Rowan Storm advises women becoming musicians, Gigbag Check with Surreyya, Gigbag Check with Amira and Sadiya at COS, 1994 Performance of Serpent Bacchus and Prego Lynette, SF Mecca Part1,
  • January 2009 through June 2009
    vid clips:Fusion Contest JimBoz Gig Bag Check , Sabah 2008, Mireya wins at BDUC, Bahaia makeup, Dominique Senecal of Montreal, By Dancers 4 Dancers, Gig bag Check with Astryd, 4 yo Assal Takesh dances for daddy Salah, Gig Bag Check with Pepper,
    Photos: Breakthrough Fusion Competition photos, Leyla's BDr of the World Competition in Germany, Shabnam's Troupe Rashika at Ethnic Dance Festival auditions, Joweh member, Elizabeth Friend, at the America's Got Talent auditions in Los Ange beautiful baby Sofie, daughter of belly dancer Amira of Las Vegas, “Sharif” Ahmad El-Mouzayen: In Memoriam, Raks Hakohaveem, Bert Balladine passed away, Simon Shaheen concert, MissiHIPPY at the grand opening, H1N1 Flu Epidemic Affects Dance Classes in Mexico, Arabesque Dance Company’s production of "Egypt" in Toronto, Saturday at Tribel Fest, Contestants list for Bellydancer of the Year, Finalist from BD of Y, BDoY Winning Troupe, Kosmos Camp
  • June 2008 through December 2008
    vid clips:Vashti's Gigbag check, RanyaMaqamikaze, Ivanka of Panama, Lauren of BDSS gig bag check, Ranya Renee Maqamikaze of New York City backstage,Bozenka at IBCC, Jehan & Serena's music clip together, Gig Bag Check #10 with Petite Jamila, Gig Bag Check #6 with Zoe Jakes, Gig Bag Check with Shelley of Unmata, Sherry's Club Oasis, Sonia of BDSS Gig bag check,
    Photos: Sulyman's house burns down, DDF refunding video money, Cory & Gail Marry, Double Crown Results, Raqs LA, GS Party, Rachid at Stern Grove, Amaya's Shake and Bake, BDTV vol3 coming out soon, Sonoma Valley Green Music Festival, Midwest Bellydance Challenge,Diane Webber's Passing, BD Mag on Big Box Book Stores! Surreyya & Crystal in Tokyo, Helm in Spain, BDSS in Spain, Zoe- age 8- dances, Sahra teaches at Amina's, Aida Nor teaches inChicago, Mandanah wins North Valley contest, Youssery in Istanbul, Ramona does book signing, Tribal Asia Fest, Mt Shasta gig, BDSS at Copeland's Castle, Ahmet workshop in NYC, 1001 nights, Tales of Desire show, Sirens holiday greeting, and much more...
  • January 2008 through May 2008
    vid clips:Gig Bag Check #1- Monica, Gig Bag Check #2 Jillina, Gig Bag Check #3- Malia, New kid on the block-Nathalie, Valizan interviews Ozgen, Kervan ensemble perform at SF Restaurant, Rebaba returns, Sharon's Gigbag Check, Lava of Sisters of Alchemy
    Holiday photo from Bijan Reastuarant, Roxxanne and friends, Yasser Darwish workshop, Linda's group do Algerian Kabyle and Algerian Ouled Nail, Orit in Toronto workshop, Tamalyn breaks her leg! Leila workhop in Mexico, RaksW teachers carpool, Asia's coming benefit Miles and BDSS on tour, Najia's Birthday Party, Aziza in Florida, Susu and TerriAnne in Guatemala, Reyhan in crisis, BD of the Year Results, East Coast Classic Results, Goddesses Unleashed
  • June 2007 through December 2007
    Pasha Restaurant of SF sells to new owner, FCBD in SF Gay Pride Parade, Contests, Hadia in TX, Baby BDr, Randa in TX, Video Clips begin!, Astryd teaches, Turk Fest, Miles rescues Suhaila, Mendocino ME M&D camp, Helene's travels, Helm at home in Fairfax, Miles and the bigwigs of the ME, Mr Ahmed Asad dies suddenly during workshop weekend in Montreal, Fiesta in Albaquerque, Spirit of the Tribes in Florida, Holiday greetings from all over!, DDF, Cartoonist runs for president, Bobby's Girls reunion, Rakksah East, Dancer photos from Mexico and Colorado and more
  • January 2007 through May 2007
    BDoY 2007 winners, Leila's beautiful baby boy!, East Coast Classic, Dondi, Aziza's world adventures, Rhea's dtr Melinda marries in Greece, Serengheti Nights benefit , Reda's Son's BD party, Kami Liddle Workshop, Siren Insanity, Tribute to Rhonda, BDSS audtions in San Rafael, Kaya's Baby girl!, Dancer night at San Jose pizzaria, back stage video shoot pics.
  • June 2006 through December 2006
    Flamenco in West Marin, John and Sharlyn pose together again, Sherry and Taiwan dancers, Sahira teaches in Taiwan, Michel and Sophia play dress up in Spain, Leyla Lanty dancing at AWS in Cairo. Snake dancer gives birth to a troupe!, BD cruise, Pr Farhana is as a tattoo, Mark of Wash DC in SF, Holiday photos, contests.
  • January 2006 through May 2006
    grade school interpretations of world dances, Helene's intl travels, Goth DVD teaser video, BDSS auditions, Aida, Magdy and Leila in LA, cruising sites in SF, Salahs family in Iran, Contest, Dondi workshopp, Suhaila workshop, Vince gets down with fellow beatniks, Helm making a CD, Jill Parker's undulation, Meena in Iraq, MaryEllen with students from Taiwan- Cheg yi and Sherri, SFMECDA officers for 2005,
  • April through December 2005
    Alexandria in London, Khalid in SF, BD in Maui, Gia and pet, Tracking BDrs after Hurricane Katrina, Papa's Taverna in N California, Princess Farhana Teaches, Angelika's tour in Turkey, Giza Awards for video, Egyptian Folkloric troupe in SF, contests all over, gilded serpent sited in zoo, BDr in local parade. Bdr dolls hit toy stores

Have a comment? Send us a letter!
Check the "Letters to the Editor" for other possible viewpoints!


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