Gilded Serpent presents...

San Francisco Bay Area Chapter of the
Middle Eastern Culture & Dance Association (SFBA MECDA)

2009 Fall Gala Showcase

Featuring photos by Oscar Cwajbaum
Introduction by Davina/Dawn Devine
Event held November 14, 2009 in Palo Alto, California
posted April 27, 2010

Each year, the San Francisco Bay Area chapter of MECDA hosts a gala show.  For several years we were located in the lovely auditorium of Cubberley Community Center in Palo Alto.  We loved our old facility, but it is currently being used during a major remodeling project.  We were fortunate to have a new photographer at our last gala show on November 14, 2009.  It was Oscar’s first belly dance event, and though I invited him purely to get photos of my own costuming work, he spent the entire day snapping shots from our show and has fallen in love with our art form.   Here are some of my favorite shots from that day. 






Gameela Awi Awi

Gameela Awi Awi
Ghanima Gaditana
Karavansaray Dance Company
Karavansaray Dance Company
Malia and New Moon Company
Malia & New Moon Belly Dance Ensemble
Naiya & Numa'ir
Naiya & Numa’ir

Be sure to save the date or four next SF/BA MECDA Gala Show which is
Saturday, November 13, 2010
at the Hillview Community Center in Los Altos.  

SF/BA MECDA is the local Bay Area chapter of the Middle Eastern Culture and Dance Association.  We host quarterly events throughout the region and a gala show each year.  If you would like to find out more about our events, visit our website at and be sure to sign up for our mailing list.

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