Carl Captures Character
Rakkasah Festival East 2008
Saturday Dancers E-K
Photos by Carl Sermon
October 18, 2008,
Ukrainian Cultural Center, Somerset, New Jersey
posted June 4, 2009
*Click for larger image
Caption corrections for each dancer appreciated.
Egyptian Sun of Baltimore, Maryland |
Enzina of New York City, here and below |
Eye of Horus of Norwalk, Connecticut |
Fahtiem of Rowland Heights, California |
Femme Fatales of |
Gypsies & Genies of Scotchplains, New Jersey, here and below |
Jenivia of New York City |
Jewels of the Niles of Bear, Delaware, here and below |
Kaoru of Baltimore, Maryland |
Kimberly of ? |
* click on these photos to see larger image
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