Gilded Serpent presents...

Ahlan Wa Sahlan Festival 2009

Raqia Hassa,  granddaughter and Daria

Page 1 of 3: Opening Gala

Photos by Denise Marino
text by Leyla Lanty and Denise
posted November 2, 2009

It’s June 27, 2009, in Cairo, Egypt, which can mean only one thing – the Opening Gala of Raqia Hassan‘s Ahlan Wa Sahlan Festival!  At the Mena House hotel the excitement in the air is palpable, not only because of the highly anticipated evening show where dancers from all over the world gather to see the top dancers, musicians, and singers in Egypt, but the next week of classes with Egyptian stars and teachers from all over the world, nightly parties, and the Closing Gala, a spectacular evening of top dancers, AWS competition winners, musicians, and singers.

Denise Marino, world traveling professional photographer, who has been a featured photographer at the festival for several years, contributed these magnificent photos from AWS 2009 to the Gilded Serpent.  See her website for more about her and to see more examples of her wonderful art.


Opening Gala

Whirling Dervish

Whirling Dervish

Dervish dancers from the Raqs Tannoura show.  About half of the performers from the full company gave us a sample of their full show by performing the secular whirling dervish dance called “Raqs Tannoura” or “Dance of the Skirt”.  The full company performs twice each week near the Khan el Khalili, free admission. 

Whirling Dervish
Whirling Dervish

Amir Thaleb
Amir Thaleb

Amir Thaleb and his troupe opened the evening with their show of oriental, folkloric, and debki dance, which is pictured here.  The debki number was high energy excitement from start to finish!

Soraia Zaied
Soraya Zaied

Soraya is Brazilian and has been performing in Cairo since the 90s and is one of Cairo’s favorites. Her show included oriental, folkloric, and highly Brazilian style oriental (see 3rd photo).

Soraia Zaied
Soraya Zaied

Soraia Zaied
Soraya Zaied

Randa Kamel
Randa Kamel in some of her signature moves or poses.  Famous for her fabulous shimmies and her beautiful smile, her shows are always high energy, innovative but truly oriental.  Second photo is her oriental saidi number – a bedlah inspired by the Saidi style of balady dress, dance which is a blend of oriental and Saidi folk style.
Randa Kamel
Randa Kamel

Randa Kamel
Randa Kamel


Page 2: The AWS09 Teachers, coming soon!


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