Gilded Serpent presents...

A Special Meeting in Barcelona

Munique Brings Wael Mansour for a Workhop and Show

Photos and text by Gabriel and Helwa
posted February 20, 2013

At Academia de Danza del Vientre Munique Neith  on 29th  and 30th of September 2012, two workshops took place with Munique Neith (the sponsor), Wael Mansour and young talents of Oriental dance from Spain, Italy, Portugal and France.  Tradition and modernity merged together on this warm weekend.

A full workshop with Wael Mansour.
Wael founded the school of The National Elkawmia Folklore Dance Troupe at El Balloon Theatre


Vending during the workshop



The teacher Wael Mansour


Workshop participants pose for a group photo.


The young talent of Folklore Group Al Macaamah of Spain

The charming Oriental wings of Shasa’s silk fans (Italy)


Su’ud Cirque of Spain lead by Amaru Sabat (center)


Su’ud Cirque of Spain


Tati Alves of Brazil



Asala and Goretti of Spain


Ahmar of Portugal

Jelila of Spain

Miriam of Spain


Grupo Folklorico- Cantaro of Spain
(Munique Neith director?)




Ilina of Spain has a school in Tarragona


Ballet Munique Neith


Munique Neith is Brazilian of Arabic descent.


Wael Mansour of Egypt


Wael Mansour of Egypt


Amaru Sabat


Jelila of Barcelona


Grupo Folklorico – Saidi (Munique Neith, director)

Munique Neith

Lylia of France. She discovered bellydance in 2004 with Latifa Saadi
and began intensive training with Leyla Aidara


Ballet Munique Neith

Munique Neith

Munique Neith

Wael Mansour

Wael Mansour

Munique Neith (The sponsor) and Wael Mansour having fun in the finale closing


Closing Gala

Wael and Munique



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