Gilded Serpent presents...

Photos from the Performance of
"Dangerous Beauties"

February 18, 2012
Dark Room Theater, San Francisco

by Brad Dosland
posted March 5, 2012

See event review & report by Davina here.

Native Brew
Native Brew
Adriana as Sita


Tatseena as Medusa


Nyla as Salome
Nyla as Salome


Rose Harden
Rose Harden
Rose Harden as Mata Hari and as Helen of Troy


Terry as Cleopatra
Terry as Cleopatra


Surreyya as Lillith and as the Sphinx


Princess Farhana
Princess Farhana
Princess Farhana as Emily Hahn’s opium vision


Dusty Paik as Baba Yaga


Nyla as Elizabeth Bathory
Princess Farhana
Princess Farhana
Princess Farhana
Princess Farhana as Louise Brooks
The Cast



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