Gilded Serpent presents...

Reporting from IBCC 2012

Serpent Tour 2012-Toronto

Gilded Serpent reporter on duty!

by Lynette Harris and Yasmela
posting May 2-7, 2012

This is the fourth, and we hear, the last International Bellydance Conference of Canada held May 2-6, 2012 in Toronto Canada, produced by Yasmina Ramzy and staff. As in past years, we will be reporting on this page as internet coverage and time allows. Video reports will be added when possible. Expect interviews, performance clips, demonstrations, and more.

Please let me know if you find errors on this page-

Intro from IBCC website–
The International Bellydance Conference of Canada was created by Yasmina Ramzy in order address the concerns and needs of today’s Middle Eastern Dancer in Canada and around the world. The conference serves to foster a broad range of education, networking opportunities, and artistic inspiration. It supports the community in its efforts to make the general public more of aware of this rich and politically historical art form.

Links to previous years coverage at bottom of page.

Below are videos shot, edited and posted from an Ipad 3. Better footage from a Canon video camera is still coming!

Transition from Home to Toronto

Yasmina explains why Khairiyya and Tito didn’t make it.
Opening Night Show on Wednesday to go here.
This is just the ipad colage, no names or labels yet. I will post a better collage when I get home.

Thursday Activities here.
Mahmoud Reda teaching, Panel discussion on Competitions, Dr George Sawa lecture


For more information on the IBCC see here.

Onsite information on people you will probably see in the videos posted here.

Alia Thabit
Andrea Deagon
Barbara Sellers-Young
Brigid Kelly
Dr George Sawa
Kathleen Frazer
Khairiyya Mazin
Mahmoud Reda
Paola Blanton
Stavros Stavrou
Sahra Saeeda
Tito Sief
Tamalyn Dallal
Yasmina Ramzy
Zahra Zuhair

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Check the "Letters to the Editor" for other possible viewpoints!

Ready for more?

  • Saturday Gala Performance at the IBCC 2010, Photos and Video Collage,
    The Saturday Night Gala Performance of the International Bellydance Conference of Canada was held April 24, 2010 at the Ryerson Theatre in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
    Video report consists of a collage of random clips caught of performances. Including: including:Arabesque Dance Company including Yasmina Ramzy, Delilah, Amel Tafsout, Zikrayat, Sera Solstice, Hadia, Ranya Renee & Co, Jillina, Sema Yildiz, Habeeba Hobeika Egyptian Dance Ensemble, and the Righteous Rogues.
  • Friday Night Performances at IBCC 2010,
    International Bellydance Conference of Canada April 23, 2010 at the Hungarian Canadian Cultural Centre in Toronto,Ontario, Canada. Performers include:
    Raks Sahara, Ashira, Maryfar, Laura Bellydance, Daluah, Tribe Maya Fire, Sa’Diyya, Monique Ryan, Sabaya, A La Nar, Sarah Skinner, Akimi, Earth Shakers, Roshana Nofret, Sofia & Chanty, Ebony Qualls, Danza Della Luna.
  • IBCC 2010: Thursday Main Stage Performance Photos and Video,
    The Thursday Night Main Stage Performance of the International Bellydance Conference of Canada was held April 22, 2010 at the Hungarian Canadian Cultural Centre in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
    Video report consists of a collage of clips caught of performances. IBCC is produced by Yasmina Ramzy and company.
  • IBCC 2010- Wednesday Stage, Opening Night Gala Performance Photos
    The Opening Night Gala Performance was held April 21, 2010 at the Hungarian Canadian Cultural Centre. Video report reposted here as an introduction to the photos.
  • IBCC 2010, Wednesday April 21, Opening Gala Report From The International Bellydance Conference of Canada
    Because Gilded Serpent didn’t quite make it to the hall until the show was over, we are very grateful that
    Brigid Kelly consented to give us her report from the Wednesday evening performancec. The dance photos overlayed on this video are by Samira Hafezi.
  • IBCC 2010, Thursday Activities Report From The International Bellydance Conference of Canada
    We begin our video reports with the Thursday Activities: dance workshops by Amel Tafsout, Sema Yildiz, Delilah, and Aurora Ongaro lectures on The Anatomy of Bellydance, Dr Sawa on Rhythmic Notation for Bellydancers, Shira on Mass Media, Mass Stereotypes and a Panel on Feminism & BD led by Andrea Deagon.
  • Belly Dance and Feminism: Different Issues, Different Perspectives
    Feminism embraces more than one point of view, and feminist perspectives lead to many different decisions and courses of action. Feminism is a tool for thinking – for understanding and putting a name to issues you may be wrestling with in your own dance life, and for seeing belly dance in the light of broader economic, social and political realities.
  • Behind the IBCC, a Talk with the Founder, Yasmina Ramzy
    I wanted it to be more scholarly, no competitions and not a festival. I felt it was important that all viewpoints were shared.
  • 2008
  • Saturday Gala Peformance Part 2 of the International Bellydance Conference of Canada
    Performers in Act 2 : Aisha Ali of Southern California, Bozenka of Florida, Amy Sigil & Kari Vanderzwaag of Unmata from Sacramento, California, Tito Seif of Egypt, Aida Nour of Egypt
  • Saturday Gala Peformance Part 1 of the International Bellydance Conference of Canada
    Performers include: Lopa Sarkar, Sacred Dance Company of Victoria, Nath Keo, Roshana Nofret & Maria Zapetis of Bozenka’s BD Academy, Ensemble El Saharat of Germany-
    Mayyadah & Amir of Germany, Ferda Bayazit of Turkey, Arabesque Dance Company & Orchestra of Toronto
  • to ? From Toronto, Ontario, Canada The International Bellydance Conference of Canada
    Reports are presented in video format inbedded all on the same page.
  • Day 1 Wednesday Evening Show- remix from last year’s stars-Sofia, Serena, Rhythm Of The Nile, Anita of Dance Poi, pregnant Mayada, Shades Of Araby- Valizan and Sofia, Rayna, Rahma, troupe in shinny black straight skirts? Masouma Rose getting Mayyadah and Amir’s reaction to the show. Clip intro reporting by Shira.
  • Day 2 Introduced by Ferda Bayazit and
  • Day 2 Thursday Evening Show-Roula Said’s Roulettes M2,
    Jaida of New York, Ozgen of Turkey and the UK, Ivanka of Panama, The amazing Asha of Atlanta and the troupe, Goddess Bellydance of Korea.
  • Day 3 Friday Daytime Activities -Reporting today are Roula Said, Mark Balahadia, and Ranya Renee.
    Video glimpses included: Tito, Bozenka, Ferda, Lynette Harper, Ranya Renee, Mark Balahadia, Roula Said, Stavros, The "Man Panel," plus more
  • Day 3 Friday Evening Show -This video clip is a collage from the Main Stage show on Friday night.
    Performers included: Banat el Sharq, Ishra (we missed her- sorry!), Suha, Mark Balahadia, Nouvel Expose’, Mariyah, Dominique, edVenture Arts, Dr Sawa, Danielle, Maqamaikaze, Jim Boz, Leah & Lynette Harper, Sefirah, and Arabian Allspice
  • Day 4 Saturday Daytime Activities-Reporting today are Andrea Deagon and Rahma Haddad
    Glimpses include: Bozenka’s class, Aida Nour’s class, Amy Sigil’s Class, Panel on Teaching Standards, and Aisha Ali’s lecture.
  • 2007
  • A Report on the First International Bellydance Conference of Canada Part 2 – Sunday Club Party
    Live orchestra, Randa, Amir, a packed house and very festive mood. How could it be any better?
  • A Report on the First International Bellydance Conference of Canada Part 2 – Saturday Gala Performance Held at the Ryerson Theatre in Toronto Canada on April 21, 2007. Featuring International stars including Amir Thaleb and Randa Kamal
  • A Report on the First International Bellydance Conference of Canada Part 2 – Page 2 – Friday Main Stage
    April 20, 2007 Toronto California. Hungarian Canadian Cultural Center. Photos of Les Tri’belles, Leyla Zaharr, Amani Jabril, Ariana Vega, 12 yo Sofia…
  • A Report on the First International Bellydance Conference of Canada Part 2 – Page 1 – Thursday Main Stage
    April 19, 2007 Toronto California. Hungarian Canadian Cultural Center. Photos of Bellyqueen, Hunnan Sultan, Ranya, Rachel, Hiba, Elise Olmi, Nath Keo, and more…
  • A Report on the First International Bellydance Conference of Canada Part One- Lectures, Workshops, Panel Discussions
    April 18-22, 2007 Toronto, Ontario. Hosted by Yasmina Ramzy of Arabesque Academy in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, this International Bellydance Conference of Canada, the first ever on the Canadian dance scene, proved to be one of the top dance experiences in this reviewer’s 30-year career.
  • A Report on the First International Bellydance Conference of Canada Part 2 – Page 1 – Thursday Main Stage
    April 19, 2007 Toronto California. Hungarian Canadian Cultural Center. Photos of Bellyqueen, Hunnan Sultan, Ranya, Rachel, Hiba, Elise Olmi, Nath Keo, and more…
  1. Barbara Grant

    May 6, 2012 - 12:05:06

    Really nice opening night show collage. I’m looking forward to seeing more!

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