Gilded Serpent presents...

Carl Captures Character

Rakkasah Festival East 2008

Sunday Dancers M-Z

Photos by Carl Sermon

October 19, 2008,
Ukrainian Cultural Center, Somerset, New Jersey
posted July 7, 2009

Caption corrections for each dancer appreciated.
Friday photos, Saturday photos A-D, E-K, L-Z, Sunday photos A-L, M-Z-you are here!



Mariyah of New York, NY

Metal Godes

Metal Goddas of ?

Metal Goddas

Nesheli and Janim

Nesheli and Janim of Pittsburgh, PA

Nubian Daughters and Troupe Walid

Nubian Daughters and Troupe Wahad of New York, NY

Nubian Daughters

Nubian Daughters

Nubian Daughters

Nubian Daughters

Oasis Dream Dancers

Oasis Dream Dancers of Randolph,


Oreet of San Francisco, CA

&Rakkasat El Hilwa

Rakkasat El Hilwa of Williamstown, NJ
click above photo for larger image

Rakkasat El Hilwa

Renya Alcala

Reyna Alcala’s Ensemble of New York, NY
click above photo for larger image


Rosalah of ?

Sahara Shimmere

Sahara Shimmer of Rochester, NY
click above photo for larger image

Sahara Shimmere


Sahari of Groton, CT


Scherezad of Richmond, VA

6 Japanese Dancers

Six Dancers of Japan? [ed-help!], Click for larger image


Sonjirey of Rahway, NJ

Sovreigh Rein

Sovreigh Reinl of West Warick, RI

Suzanna Del Vechio

Suzanna Del Vecchio of Denver, Co

Tananeen Meklena

Tananeen Meklena of Columbia,

The American Academy of Oriental Dance

The American Academy of Oriental Dance of Philadelphia, PA

The American Academy of Oriental Dance

The American Academy of Oriental Dance

Tribal Remix

Tribal Remix of Washington, DC

Troupe Tahya

Troupe Tahya of Bethlehem, PA, Click above photo for larger image

Willow of Honolulu, HI



Yasmine of Charlotte,

Friday photos, Saturday photos A-D, E-K, L-Z, Sunday photos A-L, M-Z-you are here!


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